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Ctrl+alt+del For Mac

This is great! Just got a MBP last week for work after convincing IT that it was OK since the new Mac had an Intel processor!

  1. Apple Mac Task Manager
  2. Create Ctrl Alt Del Shortcut

And now it runs Windows! So I installed a fresh copy of XP using BootCamp, worked flawlessly.

CtrlCtrl alt del for mac

Apple Mac Task Manager

Ctrl+alt+del For Mac

I called the IT guys to get me enrolled in the domain on the corporate network, now my XP starts up requiring me to ctrl-alt-del to enter my user/pass. This was fine at work, since I have a PC USB keyboard and mouse hooked up. But when I got home tonight. The ctrl-alt-del combination from the MBP keyboard does not work. I've tried multiple other combinations with the shift and fn key.nothing.

Create Ctrl Alt Del Shortcut

Can't get past that initial screen. Of course tomorrow I'll be back at my desk with the PC keyboard again, but meanwhile, and for the future. How the heck do you login using ctrl-alt-del on a MBP??